Corporate Expense Card

Streamline Your Business Expenses with Corporate Expense Card. Kick out the traditional business expense management and adopt new-age solutions with Corporate Expense Cards!

A Corporate expense card is a new-era solution to manage businesses expenses, which works no less than a saviour for companies of all sizes. With this card by the employees’ sides, they don’t have to spend their own cash and allows the companies to pay directly, only as per requirements, making the expense management easier for both the employees and companies.

Since the companies have direct control over corporate expense cards, they can track the financial transactions, limit their usage and escape from unwanted hassle.

  • Effortless Access to company funds
  • Smart limit control on the card usage
  • Quick withdrawal and loading of funds
  • No expense report required
  • Real-time expense tracking for finance team

Take Control of Your Business Spendings with CardBuzz Corporate Expense Card!

Save Your Time & Efforts

Tracking and managing a company's spending is nothing less than a hassle. Juggling through the expense receipts and trailing late expense applications is a very time and effort intensive process. But now, CardBuzz is here to save your precious time & efforts and automate the spending process.

Safeguard Your Finances

CardBuzz Corporate cards add an extra layer of protection to your company finances. Now you don’t have to struggle with cash management or give your employees access to the company’s bank account. Instead, you can allot a pre-decided limit in the assigned expense card. Besides this, you also save your company from debt escalations that are common with company credit cards.

Empower Your Employees

Corporate expense cards allow your employees to plan ahead and decide their official expenses. For example, if they’re arranging a special lunch with a client or have to decide how much they can spend on the business trip; these cards enables them to be prepared in advance. Besides, your employees feel more relaxed as they don’t have to keep collecting receipts and reporting expenses of each financial transaction.

What Makes a Corporate Expense Card Different from a Company Credit Card?

Company credit cards are the business version of personal credits cards, where accountability lies with the company. But it simply lacks several facilities that a company needs, which led to the evolution of business expense cards.


Software Automated Platform

Software Managed Platform allowing micro management on transactions with automated rules to restrict certain types of expenditure.

Complete monitoring and control

Every expense card has its own limit, which can be set and changed by the platform controller (finance or accounts manager, department head, etc.) at any time.

Built-in Approvals

With this feature, you can set the rules for approval for each card. Like some team members need permissions for each payment, while others don’t. Furthermore, each approval gets recorded onto platform in real-time.

No credit is available

Unlike credit cards, corporate expense cards have to be loaded with funds prior to any spending. The controller loads the money from a central platform.

Each authorized employee can have a card.

With a card assigned to an individual, you eliminate any anonymous transactions. The manager who approves the payment can justify the expense. So, there is no more - who spent what within the company.

Easy Way to Store Receipt

Our corporate expense cards are governed by a software application and come with a companion wallet App. It allows the staff members to upload the receipt of their purchase, which means no more shuffling through the paper receipts & records.

So, wait no more and manage all your business expenses with CardBuzz corporate expense cards.